


Phoenix, AZ

About Us

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About Us

Our Commitment to Compassion & Excellence

Our approach focuses on creating a supportive, inclusive environment where seniors feel valued and empowered. We prioritize security, and fostering a sense of belonging.

House of Sparkle provides a safe and nurturing home environment for low-income seniors experiencing homelessness, fostering well-being and a sense of belonging. We are here to build a future free from senior homelessness: We envision a compassionate Arizona where every senior has access to secure housing, enabling them to age with grace and security. We are a non-medical group home that provides all-inclusive short term or permanent placement for seniors to call home.
Our target demographic includes low-income seniors facing homelessness in Arizona. We aim to provide them with safe, dignified housing, ensuring they have access to the support and resources they need to thrive

Empowering Seniors, Building Community

Embark on the story of House of Sparkle, where compassion meets action. Founded with a vision to eradicate senior homelessness, our mission resonates in every aspect of our community. We offer safe havens where seniors find dignity, support, and a vibrant sense of belonging. Through inclusive environments, and unwavering dedication, we’re forging a path toward a brighter future for seniors in need. Join us in our commitment to empower and uplift every individual who walks through our doors, as we strive to create lasting change and build a community that cares.

Words from Our Founder

Our dedicated team has poured an exceptional amount of care and attention into crafting a welcoming oasis, adorned with thoughtful decor and offering a plethora of engaging activities. Nestled in a cozy environment, residents can unwind, savor breathtaking sunsets and sunrises, and find true peace of mind